19 April 2006

time to shut it down...

way too often this is where i'm at at this time of night. at the little coffeehouse-looking table in our kitchen with the tv on disney cuz that's where the kids left it. everyone's upstairs asleep. the diet coke in that can is getting warm. my cell phone is warning me its battery is low. my feet are frozen cuz someone turned the a/c too low and i'm too lazy to go fix it. i've had that "just one more little thing to finish then i'll quit" going on for the past hour.

now it is true that it is a great time and place to get stuff done - no interruptions to speak of. but too many late nighters in a row tend to steal more from me than they used to. i guess i'm getting old. nah - maybe it's the hardwood cushion-less chairs under my behind. after about 4 hours they really start to numb the bum.

but i'm not gonna start complaining. life's too great. and i'm too blessed to seriously whine about stuff.

plus maybe if i didn't spend the time to write useless posts like this in my blog, i might get to sleep an extra 15 min or so.

what an epiphany!



Stephanie said...

=) Definatly sounds like me....cept for the getting old part....I don't think anyone would consider almost 17 old! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I actually liked this useless post..... after becoming a Mom to seven I say a lot of "useless" talk these days and maybe if I would stop trying to be such the perfect Mom and wife (does that exist..Ha) I might get a little more sleep as well. but like you said, i'm not gonna start complaining. life's too great. and i'm too blessed to seriously whine about stuff.

thanks for a great blog site