27 April 2006

from the mind of jason ryder

i heard this quote a few minutes ago from a message jason ryder (one of hpc's worship leaders) spoke at latenite recently....

"if you can't find a place to get involved in this church, the problem is you."

i think it is so true around here. there's so much going on - so many ways to be a part of an outreach or serving somewhere at hpc. it's like every night and every weekend - there's always something you can jump in on and help.

if you're not connected, don't blame anyone but yourself. better yet, stop blaming anything and just get up and start getting involved.

1 comment:

agardana said...

Jason looks so intimidating in that picture. I am surprised the captioin isn't FE FI FO FUM! You are right about getting involved. There is so much going on at HPC basically 24 hours a day. Take that step and go to something new.