16 April 2006

pseudo-live blogging from easter at the river center

just before service...

robert conti doing one of the many things he does so well - shooting great pics.

charles and kristen at their last stateside easter (at least for a while).

andrew doing what he does so well - looking good.

david, david, david. sometimes you just gotta pause and let someone capture your mug.

bo and chris - making it all sound right and look right and fit all together.

lance giving a final preservice update to pastor dino - feelin' good. and lookin' good, lance.

now we're rollin'....


Carole Turner said...

It was a memoriable morning. I sang in the Choir and wow, was it thick on the stage! I wept the whole time.I'm so glad I did it.

I took pictures of everything too, including the protesters. Dean was doing parking and he was one of the guys right out where they were. He had to escort a few ladies into the service that got screamed at by them but he also brought water to the protestors and always gave them a warm smile. "they will know us by our love.." I kept praying that the protestors and everyone that came to the service would know us by our love. My Dean was shining :-)

Anonymous said...

I was up in section 305, way at the top. What an amazing view! To see people praising God.....to feel the presence of our Lord! As I praised God and worshiped Him while DeLynn and the others sang How Great is our God I was feeled with chills as I opened my eyes and looked down at where the people in wheelchairs were sitting. As that song was echoing through the RiverCenter I saw one lady who was sitting in a wheelchair get up with both hands in the air and start praising God! Then the woman sitting in a wheelchair next to her got up with both hands lifted up to Heaven and started praising and worshiping God!

What an amazing Easter Sunday! What an amazing service!