05 March 2007

a sneak look at the real "behind-the-scenes"

hpc experience was supposed to be a time of a look behind-the-scenes at healing place church. and it was. for the thirty v.i.p. guests, they got the real-deal experience. lots of one-on-one time with our pastor, our staff, q&a time, and even a couple outreaches hands-on.

but at the pastor's house friday night, while chris caine was speaking to the guests in the living room, the overflow seating in the next room was where the ever-faithful stayed - continuing to take notes and do their best to listen thru the double-sided fireplace.

troopers. that's what they were. lance, kari and the baby... angie.... little miss imadiva ammons... the faithful.

they're so behind-the-scenes that they're actually behind-the-behind-the-scenes.

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