15 November 2006

new blog you need to track

isaac and carol williams sitting in my office this morning talking thru plans for their move to mozambique

isaac and carol williams are heading out to mozambique to pastor the new campus of healing place church in maputo and to run the children's cup carepoint there. they're heading out in january, and they've just started their new blog a couple weeks ago. (isaac was formerly on my sidebar as isaacinbrazil.blogspot.com)

they're sharp - you'll be hearing plenty more from me about them over the coming months. pray for them as they work to raise their support base over the next few weeks here in the usa. if you want to help send them, you can email them at isaac356@hotmail.com.

they're about to embark on an amazing journey. be sure to keep in touch with them at their blog at isaacandcarol.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

Isaac and Carol said...

hey man, I'm honored to be spoken of in your blog. You the man. Thanks for all you're doing for us. Couldn't do it without you.